where we've been and where we're going

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fun travel websites

As I stumble upon cool or different travel blogs or websites (usually because I find them in the many email newletters I've blindly chosen to receive), I may mention them in a post or two. I'll also keep a running list in the side bar, for anyone who'd like to find them.

For starters, here's a fun site designed to suggest trips especially for girlfriends. I know I have a few girlfriends scattered around the country with whom I would love to someday do annual weekends in new and fun places, and here's where I'll start, when that financial day arrives.


Right now there's a feature on a getaway in each of the 50 US states, and a story about some girlfriends who spent a vacation in Como stalking George Clooney. Someday, girls, you and me. And George.

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